<< F.A.Q-常问问题 >>

**Q = Question - 问题
**A = Answer - 回答

Q: All items/products are original and authentic?
问: 全部产品都是正品吗?
A: Yes. We do not sell any fake, defected or rejected items/products.
答: 是的。本店绝不卖假货。保证正品!

Q: Where you get those items/products?
A: All items/products are directly imported from USA.
答: 本店全部产品都是直接从美国进口。

Q: Pricing for those items/products is cheaper than market (shopping mall/ perfume shop)?
问: 产品的价格都是比市场的价格便宜吗?
A: Yes. Basically all items/products we sell are 10% - 30% (or even more) cheaper.
答: 是的。本店所有产品的价格都比市场大约便宜 10 至 30 巴仙 (甚至更多)。

Q: How come the pricing so cheap compare with market?
问: 为什么本店的价格会比市场便宜这么多?
A: We can offer cheaper price because we don’t need to pay rental as those counter in shopping mall or perfume shop. I believe all consumers know the rental in shopping mall is not cheap. Those rental cost have include into items/products they sell. SO WHY WE NEED TO PAY MORE! Come to enjoy cheap perfume here. You pay less and get more!
答: 本店能提供这么便宜的价格是因为本店不需要承受沉重的租金负担。相信你们都知道广场或店铺的租金负担有多沉重。市场的价格会这么高全因为商家把租金的负担转给了我们这些消费者。明白了这道理,为什么你们还要付出更多?快来本店享受网购的乐趣吧!^o^

Q: Why you sell them in such low price?
问: 为什么本店的价格这么便宜?
A: Answer very easy. We want our customer happy and enjoy online shopping. At the same time we also can make some profit. (So call WIN-WIN situation) ^o^
答: 除了租金的原因,本店希望制造出双赢的局面。顾客买得便宜和买的开心,同一时间本店又可赚点小钱。^o^

Q: Does the pricing include postage?
问: 产品的价格都包括邮费吗?
A: We provide FREE Shipping to my customer in West Malaysia. For East Malaysia customer additional RM10 is need (due to courier charge is different).
答: 本店都是免费提供邮寄给所有西马顾客。东马的顾客需要另附加10令吉,因为邮政局收取不同的收费。

Q: All items/products are ready stock?
问: 全部产品都是现货吗?
A: Yes. Internet is a world requires fast response so we also want to provide our customer the best and fast service. Plus some of online shopper don’t like the “long” waiting period for pre-order.
答: 是的。网络讲求的是速度,所以本店也希望提控快速服务和回复。加上有些顾客不喜欢那种预购所需等待的感觉,所以现货将成为本店其中之一的优点。

Q: If item/product that I am looking for not in your blog, can I request you to help?
问: 如果我要找的产品不在部落格里,不知可不可以要求你的帮助?
A: Yes, you are most welcome to send us any inquiry/question. We will try our best to assist you and feedback to you in a short period.
答: 没问题。本店非常欢迎你的询问和意见。本店会尽力解决你的问题和回答你的问题。

Q: Can I order currently sold out item/product?
问: 不知我可不可以订购现在显示售完的产品?
A: Yes, you can. You can pre-order it but 50% deposit of item need to pay first and it will take roughly 2-3 weeks time to reach you (depend on situation).
答: 你可以以预购的方式来购买你要的产品。你需要先付产品价格的50巴仙为定金,大约两到三周货物就会寄给你(在没有其它因素影响的情况下)。

Q: How do I place my order?
问: 我要如何进行订购?
A: Please visit the ‘How To Order’ page at the right-hand side of our blog. You can find information need there.
答: 你可以点击在本店部落格右边的“如何订购”链接查寻详细资料。